Privacy Policy
This website uses Google Analytics, which is a resource that gathers pieces of information about the traffic to this website and allows us to make improvements to our website based on the information received about how visitors move through the site.
Information is gathered anonymously which means that Google Analytics and Amiotte Law PC do not use the information to identify any individual visiting this website. First-party cookies collect visitor data, and information such as internet protocol (IP) addresses, browsers and operating systems are gathered using Google Analytics. Additional information obtained by Google Analytics includes whether the person is a first-time visitor to the website, the time of day the website is visited, and other websites visited by the user. Amiotte Law PC can review this data to determine if the website is optimal or to update the website information.
Review Google Analytics complete processes utilized.
You may opt out of Google Analytics. Opting out will not interrupt how you are able to view this website.